Surströmming Boys
00140 Helsinki
Opening times:
Sun 12:00 am - 6:00 pm
Surströmming on the menu during Restaurant Day 18.8
Welcome to enjoy some of Sweden’s most eccentric culinary treat, Surströmming. Now you have a chance to taste surströmming, the thing everyone is talking about at the moment. We serve it the traditional way, not like the videos on the Internet :)
Surströmming is fermented Baltic herring and a traditional northern Swedish cuisine. The dish is also symbolic among Swedish-speaking Finns. The herring is caught in April and May, put into brine, canned in July and eaten after the surströmming premiere starts (which is this year 15.8.2013).
more info:ömming
Come and taste something new and exciting. We'll be serving out from our windows on the ground floor at the backyard. Signs will show you the way from the street. Archipelago music in the background and if the weather allows relaxing sit groups.
-Surströmming Boys