Pistol & Stamen
Local business
90046 Los Angeles
United States
Phone: +323 874 2100
Website: http://www.pistolandstamen.com http://pistolandstamenblog.blogspot.com/ http://twitter.com/#!/Pistol_Stamen
A multi-faceted, full-service strategic marketing and brand management agency specializing in the fashion, beauty, health, food, literary, celebrity and lifestyle categories.
Pistol & Stamen is a public relations firm recognized for its stellar marketing results. The company prides itself on developing strategic plans to meet each client's goals. From magazine and television features in New York to celebrity adoption and film placement in LA, Denise Weaver and her team of experts ensures that their clients are at the forefront of media coverage. With a vast network contacts in branding, distribution and retail at their fingertips, the firm can both increase brand awareness and retail sales. Pistol & Stamen-developing industry leaders and growing businesses.