Ceracoat ceramic
United Kingdom
Phone: +41 71 288 17 17
Website: www.ceracoatdirect.com www.ceracoat-ceramic.com “Why Ceracoat Nano Products are completely safe?” The nano materials used for Ceracoat are processed in liquid form and generally involved in a so-called binder matrix. The binding matrix is typically a kind of varnish. This means, that individual nano particles may not be released at any stage of the product cycle. All currently available worldwide studies confirm this clearly. There is no risk from the nano materials that are included in a hardened coating.”
Ceracoat: "Do not clean any more, coat" - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DtILOgucMlk - www.ceracoat.me - Ceracoat to save time & money