Alina's Kitchen
460073 Bedok
Phone: 64451598
"Alina's Kitchen is your friendly heart-warming family restaurant smacked in the heart of Bedok South.We serve "SOUL" food from the likes of Thai/Seafood menu,Prata and Malay Dishes. Our known specialties are Nasi Goreng Thai Crispy Chickenl, Kway Teow Goreng Kerang,Nasi Goreng Ayam Thai Sauce and a couple of others which if YOU want to know, Come down and try from our wide spread of dishes.Ask our friendly server or the BOSS himself for recommendation if you are can't decide. Ammo up with our "Special" Teh or range drinks, it will leave you drooling,satisfied and coming back for more....
Blk 73 Bedok South Ave 3 #01-452 S460073
Tel No:64451598
We are open 24hrs!!!
(Please do leave your comments and feedbacks so we can improve to serve you better!)"